Hey, I'm Sola.

I'm a Frontend Developer

I have dedicated the past few years honing my skills in creating inviting digital experiences through elegant code and innovative designs.


Hey there! I'm Olusola Akindoju, a passionate Frontend Developer from Nigeria. With a strong focus on TypeScript, React, React Native, and Next.js, I specialize in creating exceptional user experiences. I love exploring the latest tools and libraries, including Redux, and Tailwind, and I believe in using the right tools for each project. My goal is to build robust and visually appealing web applications that leave a lasting impression.

I've had good fortune being a member of fantastic teams dedicated to creating amazing user experiences that leave lasting impressions.

Outside of work, you'll often find me exploring the latest trends and contributing to Open-Source projects, as well as reading and writing for leisure during my spare time.


TypeScriptReactNextJSReact NativeTailwindReduxPostgreSQLFirebaseJestGitJiraAgile DevelopmentHTMLCSS & SCSSJavaScript


2022 - Present
Mobile & Web Developer

Part of a team of engineers involved in the successful implementation of new components and techniques resulting in over 30% increase in engagement.

Implemented a web-based portal for accessing customer events hence enhancing user involvement and experience within the first 3 months of launch.

Planned website development, converting mockups into usable web presence with React, React Native, and TypeScript.

Implemented a cohesive and responsive approach and strategy, ensuring consistency across all deliverables.

TypescriptReactReact NativeNextJSSCSSReduxGitFirebaseJira
HNG Internship
2022 - 2022
Frontend Developer

Garnered invaluable guidance and mentorship from esteemed industry professionals, who imparted expert insights on clean code practices and effective communication strategies.

Successfully completed rigorous and immersive training sessions and workshops that focused on cutting-edge frontend technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Acquired an advanced skill set and in-depth understanding of industry best practices, enabling the creation of robust and visually stunning web applications.

Collaborated with cross-functional team members, leveraging collective strengths to overcome complex challenges, consistently meet tight deadlines, and deliver exceptional, high-quality results.

Pear System Development Company
2021 - 2021
Frontend Developer

Collaborated with stakeholders during development processes to confirm creative proposals and design best practices.

Teamed on user-centric design strategy in the translation of UX and business requirements into coded solutions.

Developed software using React and Typescript to develop features for both mobile and desktop platforms.

Researched emerging web technologies and trends for possible incorporation into sites.

ReactCSS & SCSSTypescriptReduxPostgreSQLJest


An image of the Affixdot project.


React Native - Typescript - Firebase - Redux

An event management application that offers a seamless, user-friendly, and sophisticated solution for users and event organizers alike. Learn more >

An image of the Affixdot Web project.

Affixdot Web

React Native Web - Typescript - SCSS & CSS - Next JS - Firebase

A cutting-edge event management web application that effortlessly enhances its mobile app counterpart by offering an array of individual features and an intuitive user interface. Learn more >

An image of the Maverick project.


React JS - Typescript - SCSS & CSS - EmailJS

Dynamic web application that serves as a gateway to a wide array of cutting-edge solutions designed to address real-world challenges across diverse industries. Learn more >

An image of the Itis project.


React JS - Javascript - Firebase - SCSS & CSS - EmailJS

Fully functional food delivery platform designed to cater to your cravings, offering a wide array of mouthwatering meals that can be easily searched, added to your cart, and seamlessly ordered for a delightful dining experience. Learn more >


Want to connect? send me an email! You can find me on Linkedin as well.